The year 2020 found not only the museum professionals field, but the world, in a constant state of reaction. We looked for ways to re imagine experiences in (and outside of) our institutions. Now, over a year later of experimenting, pivoting, removing barriers (and adding new ones), and adapting to extraordinary circumstances, we ask: What’s Next? What audiences will be able to access our re-envisioned spaces? How do we reinstitute a culture of collaboration in our communities? In what ways will we help our visitors pursue their own meaning, joy, and respite at our institutions? How can we all come together to work toward a better, more equitable future for our field?
We invite you to join us for the tenth annual Visitor Experience Conference, held virtually on October 13-14, 2021, to discuss, learn, share, and grow as we work together to tackle the question: What’s Next?
Questions? Reach out to us on Twitter or by email at!
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