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Blogs & Podcasts

Blogs & Podcasts



As we respond to the impact of a global pandemic, cultural institutions will be facing the challenges that come with reopening an institution after an extended closure. The Visitor Experience Group (VEX) has taken a number of steps to help individuals and institutions plan their reopening.


One resource we are offering is a phased reopening plan. We created this document to serve as a starting point and would encourage individuals and institutions to make a copy of this document and use it as a foundation to plan their reopening. View the phased reopening plan here.


Another resource we are offering is our VEX Ed Webinar series. We have moved our webinars away from the traditional lecture to instead focus on open discussion and design challenges designed to encourage the sharing of ideas across institutions, foster a dialogue around visitor experience issues that may arise, and come up with creative solutions as a team. Recordings and chat transcripts from those webinars can be found below.


Groups & Networks

Groups & Networks



Job Boards

Job Boards


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